Our Beliefs
Redeemer Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Our doctrinal position is articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. These documents give a full statement of doctrine on a host of issues; below are a few points of emphasis that will help introduce you to our congregation.
The central activity of God’s gathered people that will continue to be so into eternity (Revelation 4). As such it is central to our life at Redeemer. We strive to bring our whole hearts into worship and take a full blessing from it. Our worship is simple and suffused with the Word of God from the opening call to worship to the closing benediction. It is here that God most peculiarly comes to His people in this life and it is here that we look for the greatest blessings from Him and one another (Matthew 18:20; Hebrews 10:19-25).
Expository Preaching
How can a person know how to live in our confusing world? There are a thousand opinions and philosophies competing for our attention – with so many voices speaking, who should we listen to? The promise of the Bible is that the sheep of God will hear their Shepherd’s voice (John 10:16). The Shepherd is Christ and His voice is heard through His word read and preached (1 Thessalonians 2:13; Psalm 119:9). Thus at Redeemer our practice is to give serious, thoughtful attention to the preaching of the Bible. Christ has said that all of it speaks of Him (Luke 24:44) and we seek to see and hear Him in all parts of the Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16). Our normal practice is to work through books of the Bible from the opening to the closing verse (for that is how they were written) explaining and applying the meaning of the text.
The Lord’s Day
An often neglected gift from God to His people. A day not only for rest from our labors but a day to draw away from the world and close to God with His people. At Redeemer we seek to garner the greatest blessings of the day by continuing the long-standing tradition of holding two services of worship each Sunday, by which we frame the day and keep it holy.
God has not called us to be hermits or Lone Rangers, but a part of His body (Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27). We need one another for fellowship and accountability (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15). At Redeemer it is our desire to build up one another through formal and informal ways of encouragement and instruction. We wish to be led in this by the godly example and gracious ministry of elders who provide biblical oversight to the flock through ongoing prayer and visitation among the members.